Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Global Issues 151

By Hafsah Moulvi and another disgruntled first year who really would prefer English 101...

Global issues

Global issues, Global issues,

Will someone please pass the tissues?

For I have the urge to cry,

As I kiss a decent university education goodbye,

Global issues, Global issues,

Most Profs say it's swell,

Not so I say, go jump in a well!

Global Issues Global issues

The content is not exactly tough,

And you don’t go over any relevant stuff

Global issues, Global issues

Why do I have to spend a handsome dime?

On a course that is such a waste of time,

Global issues Global issues,

Forgive me for I now have to go,

Over a bridge I must myself throw,

For I will have no career in which to go,

Because my mind will never grow.

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