Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Two Feet and a Heartbeat"

By Rebecca Jewell

Running isn't about the glory. It isn't about how far you run or how fast you run it. It isn't about who sees you or who doesn't see you. It doesn't matter if they read your number or call your name as you approach the finish. It isn't about getting your picture taken. Running isn't glamorous. It's not a fashion show. It isn't about having the newest shoes or best outfit or brushing your hair. It's not about the technology, the improved stopwatches and step counters. It isn't about coming first. It isn't about personal bests.
Running isn't about training. It isn't about getting up at six a.m. to fit it into your day. It's not one of your daily to-do list items. It's not about practicing, putting in your time before the one big race. The run that counts. Every time you lace up your shoes, it should mean something.
Running is pure adrenaline. It's about letting go of everything. It's being fully in tune with your body, every muscle pulling and aching as you push further. It's about sweat. The rest of the world doesn't matter when you run. The only things that exist are you, the road and the sound of your breath. Running is about feeling truly alive.

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